Watch Greg Run began as an online journal of my effort to run a marathon each month during 2009. With the marathon a month challenge successfully behind me, I'm still running and still posting with notes on training runs, travel and other thoughts.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Race Day in Boston!

My goal is to provide regular updates throughout the day (with some help back in Birmingham). The intent is to chronicle the day so you have a chance to read what marathon day is like and I have a better chance of remembering what happened.

5:00 a.m. Internal alarm goes off (30 minutes before the real alarm) so I'm up for the day.

6:15 a.m. Leave our hotel to walk to the "T" (subway) station for a ride to Boston Commons.

6:45 a.m. Arrive in Boston Commons to get in line for a bus (a school bus) ride to Hopkinton.

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