5:06 a.m. At 9 p.m. last night, I remarked about the quiet in the hotel hallways. At 5 a.m. this morning, it is much different. There is a buzz of activity as people awaken and prepare to depart. I slept pretty well for the night before a race. The nervous energy and fluid consumption result in some extra waking moments during the night. WBZ-TV in Boston is displaying a temperature of 39 degrees right now. The Weather Channel website shows no rain on the radar, with the temperature predicted to be 49 degrees to start the race at 10 a.m. and increase to 57 degrees around the time I expect to finish.
5:42 a.m. I'm showered, dressed, all packed up and ready to head out. The sky is just beginning to brighten, which lets me see downtown Boston from across the Harbor. WBZ-TV is reporting there are approximately 1,000 runners from Europe who have been unable to travel is planned due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland. The temperature has "warmed" to 40 degrees, and the forecast predicts winds from 10 to 20 mph from the northwest, which is supposed to be a crosswind...a bit better than last year's headwind...but I'd welcome the wind to shift just enough to be at our back.
5:50 a.m. I'm headed out. I'll catch the hotel shuttle to the subway, the blue train to the Government Center stop and switch to the green train for the trip to Boston Commons.

6:30 a.m. It was about a mile walk from the water taxi dock to the Boston Commons area, which is the departure point for busses to Hopkinton. I shared the journey from the hotel with Drew and Kerry from st. Louis.
7:15 a.m. Finally...on the bus...picture is the back of my yellow bus...Auburn fans are apparently everywhere. (It says "Auburn" in the bottom left corner).

9:49 a.m. I'm just sitting and waiting. First wave begins at 10 am. Just had a flyover of two F-15 fighter jets. Pit o. Sunscreen. It's warming up but still windy.
10:04 a.m. Port-a-John, Trip #2:
10:24 a.m. Hamburgers and Fries on my mind....
10:32 a.m. Starting corral waiting for the starters gun
10:36 a.m.:
Finished Radical Experiment reading while waiting for the race to start.
Mr. Mendlebaum just yelled ,"it's go time."
Goal this year is to start slow and finish fast.
10:40 a.m.-Still Waiting....10:43 a.m. It's Go Time!!
10:55 a.m. Somewhere in Mile 1...A leprechaun passed Greg and then proceeded to take off his leprecahaun suit. No word yet on if the leprechaun is now naked or just looks like a regular runner. (Note: Just got word, there were shorts underneath. Would have made for a good picture).
Mile 1: 9:40
Mile 2: 9:00
Mile 3: 8:55
Mile 4: 8:56
Mile 5: 9:12
Mile 6: 9:16
Mile 7: IDK ("I don't know" in text lingo)
Mile 8: 9:17
Mile 9: 8:55
Somewhere along the way...12:19 p.m.: An Elvis Sighting!
Breaking News: Just got word that Greg did not win the Boston Marathon.
Mile 16: 2:33:00
Mile 20: 3:16:00: Starting up Heartbreak Hill.
3:03 p.m.: So close, yet so far away... Fenway, Approx. 1 mile to go!
3:22 p.m.: Greg has finished! Approximate time: 4 Hours, 35 minutes. Official results soon!
Official Results:23849
Sankey, Gregory A.
Official Time: 4:35:52
Pace: 10:32
Overall Finish: 19890
Gender Finish: 11785
Age Division: 2226
Click Here to follow Greg throughout the day with more "official" times.
Thanks to everyone who followed Greg's journey today! Check back soon for more blog updates from the runner himself!
Very entertaining read....good job Greg! Greg Byrne