Watch Greg Run began as an online journal of my effort to run a marathon each month during 2009. With the marathon a month challenge successfully behind me, I'm still running and still posting with notes on training runs, travel and other thoughts.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Two Days Until Prescott

I took yesterday (Wednesday) off from both running and blogging. After Tuesday's run I really felt good. The distance was more than I had planned, but it felt good the entire way. When you remember that I had finished the Boston Marathon just eight days earlier, feeling good for an hour run is an encouraging thing.

Today I'm back in Birmingham and my "run" was actually just a 2.85 mile walk followed by some stretching.

I travel to Arizona tomorrow (Friday), but had to change my flight to an evening arrival. I had originally planned on landing in Phoenix at noon, taking my time while driving to Prescott, completing the packet pick up process, eating and relaxing. Now, I arrive at 5:30 p.m., will hustle on the drive to Prescott, check in to my hotel and (hopefully) fall asleep quickly. I really need the plane to arrive on time.

One of the key things for me is to sleep well during the days leading up to the marathon. If I "cheat" on my sleep, I really feel it in my legs. When I don't take enough time for sleep, I'll show up at the marathon start line with a dead, heavy feeling in my legs. The good news is last night was eight hours of solid sleep, and I hope for the same tonight. I usually never sleep well the night before the marathon, which means the two nights prior are really important. So far, so good.

My goal is to update the blog at some point on Friday, again on Saturday morning before the marathon and shortly after I finish.

Let the adventure begin!

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