Watch Greg Run began as an online journal of my effort to run a marathon each month during 2009. With the marathon a month challenge successfully behind me, I'm still running and still posting with notes on training runs, travel and other thoughts.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The women of Wellesley/ Half Way There (Oh, Oh Livin' in a Prayer)

One of the experiences along the marathon path is at Wellesley College, which is just prior to the halfway point of the race. The students of Wellesley line up along the race course and make an incredible amount of noise, which is actually called the "Wall of Noise." The pictures give you some idea of what it all looks like.

As you near the Wellesley campus you can actually hear the noise about a half mile before you actually make it to all the students.

The signs in the pictures indicate one of the traditions is to kiss a Wellesley student along the way.
As a trivia note, the current U.S. Secretary of State is a Wellesley graduate, class of 1969.

Time at the half marathon point: 2:04:57. Per mile pace is 9:31.

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