On the same day I ran the Tupelo Marathon, my mother was completing the "Escape from the Judge" open water swimming race in Skaneateles, New York.
No, my mom was not in trouble with the law. The Judge is a boat that provides tours on Skaneateles Lake, which is home turf for me. (NOTE: The picture is from the actual race, but that is not my mother who is seen jumping from the boat).
On recent Labor Day weekends there have been a series of athletic events held in Skaneateles. The events include a triathlon, the Escape from the Judge swimming race, a 4 mile road race, along with a bike time trial. You can check out the event's website at http://www.skanraces.com/.
The Escape from the Judge race description is as follows: "Limited to the first 250 registrants, swimmers will experience the unique opportunity to board Mid-Lakes Navigation's Judge Ben Wiles, be transported to Country Club Point (one mile from the village ramp) and offered the chance to “Escape from the Judge.” Swimmers will jump from The Judge and swim to shore following a marked, guarded and patrolled course down the western side of the lake to the seawall ramp on the west side of the Village pier. After exiting the water, they will be encouraged to participate in other scheduled Labor Day Weekend activities offered in the Village."
My mom (Cathy Sankey...same name as my wife...go ahead and conduct your own psychoanalysis of how my wife and my mom have the same name) finished her fifth Escape from the Judge in a time of 46 minutes, 28 seconds, which I consider quite good for many people and for my mom at age 64.
In addition to her Escape from the Judge effort, this summer my mom competed in the backstroke in the National Senior Games held at Standford University.
If you want a preview in to what might be next for my running adventures, the Ironman Triathlon series just announced an event to be held in Syracuse, New York next September. My brother (who lives in Hawaii) is training for a full triathlon, my mom swims and I run...so one idea floating out there is for us to enter as a team, with mom completing the swim, Bill (my brother) completing the bike portion of the race, and me finishing the event with a 13.1 mile run. But that's for next year.
Yay! Go for the Tri! But I think yall can each complete the whole thing as individuals. Just Do It :)