Well, the day after the final running event for 2009, you walk out your front door...moving very gingerly down the steps due to sore legs...for the short walk to your car.
While heading to your car you begin to notice a vehicle slowing in front of your house. You're not really sure why, so you look at the vehicle to see what has caused the driver to apply the brakes.
Not really paying attention to anything in particular, you begin to notice there is a sign in your front yard. Yes, it was dark when you returned home from Dallas the night prior, but you can recall no reason for a sign to be in your front yard.
As you begin to look at the sign, you then notice there are other things--besides leaves--decorating the front yard.
It looks, well, it looks like there are penguins in my yard.
Why are there penguins in...
It's at this point when you turn around to see your wife and 13-year-old daughter smiling, with camera in hand. The 16-year-old remained in bed and missed the moment.
...my yard?
Now it all makes sense. For her 40th birthday someone, I'm not at liberty to reveal that someone, called "Flamingo a Friend" and had 40 black crows along with a sign that said "Today is Cathy's 40th Birthday" in our front yard.
She must have written down the phone number, just waiting for the day to "Penguin a Friend."
So, even though I don't think many of them read the blog, the entire neighborhood knows of my feat.
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