Watch Greg Run began as an online journal of my effort to run a marathon each month during 2009. With the marathon a month challenge successfully behind me, I'm still running and still posting with notes on training runs, travel and other thoughts.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Schedule Both Mornings at Disney

On Saturday, I listed my schedule as things happened leading up to the start of Donald's Half Marathon. The race timing was essentially the same, which means my activities each day followed the same schedule.

Below is a chronological description of all I did while trying to stay warm (all times are a.m.):

3:00 iPhone alarm plays Third Day's "Revelation" and hotel phone rings with wake up call

3:20 Finished dressing, packing my race bag and leave our room at the Boardwalk Inn

3:30 On the shuttle bus for the ride to the Epcot parking lot

3:50 Bus arrives in the Epcot parking lot and I begin the cold walk to the Race Retreat with a runner from Louisville

3:58 Arrive in the Race Retreat tent...trying to warm up

4:00 Chip and Dale enter the tent for picture time with all the runners

4:05 Find a seat at a table with my coffee, bagel and orange. I eat and relax.

4:30 Chip and Dale exit the tent

4:32 Lilo and Stitch enter the tent along with Daisy Duck

4:35 I decided it was cold inside the tent

4:36 I added a layer to my top

4:37 I ate a really good, really cold orange

4:45 I succumbed to all that is Disney and had my picture taken with Daisy Duck

4:47 I realized I had lost my black running tights, which I had hidden in my jacket to keep them warm

4:48 It began to sleet outside, which was noticeable due to the tapping on the tent roof

5:00 I bought a poncho and hand warmers

5:10 I went in to the changing room to add a third layer up top and searched the tent one more time for my running tights

5:25 I left the tent for the mile or so walk to the staring area. I enjoyed walking in the Orlando...Florida that is...Disney World!

5:40 Starting gun sounds!

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